“detail-type”: [“GuardDuty Malware Protection Object Scan Result”],
“detail”: {
“scanStatus”: [“COMPLETED”],
“resourceType”: [“S3_OBJECT”],
“s3ObjectDetails”: {
“bucketName”: [“”]
“scanResultDetails”: {
“scanResultStatus”: [“NO_THREATS_FOUND”]

Note: Replace the value of the bucketName attribute with the bucket in your account.

Task orchestration: A Lambda function handles the logic for copying the S3 object from the source bucket to the destination bucket which has just been scanned by GuardDuty. If the object was created within a new S3 prefix, the prefix and the object will be copied. If the object was tagged by GuardDuty, then the object tag will be copied.

Deploy the solution
The solution CloudFormation template provides you with multiple deployment scenarios so you can choose which best applies to your use case.
Deploy the CloudFormation template
For this next step, make sure that you deploy the CloudFormation template provided in the AWS account and Region where you want to test this solution.
To deploy the CloudFormation template

Choose the Launch Stack button to launch a CloudFormation stack in your account. Note that the stack will launch in the N. Virginia (us-east-1) Region. To deploy this solution in other Regions, download the solution’s CloudFormation template, modify it, and deploy it to the selected Regions.
Choose the appropriate scenario and complete the parameters information questions as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: CloudFormation template parameters
Each of the following scenarios and their parameter information (from Figure 3) can be evaluated to make sure that the CloudFormation template deploys successfully: Deployment scenario

Create a new bucket or use an existing bucket?
If ”new”, should a KMS key be created for the new bucket?
Would you like to create the copy function to a destination bucket? Create the Lambda copy function from the protected bucket to the clean bucket.
Post scan file copy function

This will be used as the basis for the copy function and EventBridge rule to invoke the function: Copy files to the clean bucket with either the THREATS or NO_THREATS_FOUND tagged value.
Existing S3 bucket configuration – not used for new S3 buckets

Enter the bucket name that you would like to be your scanned bucket: Enter the existing S3 bucket name that will be enabled for GuardDuty Malware Protection for S3.
Enter the bucket name that you would like to be your scanned bucket: Enter the S3 bucket name to be used as the copy destination for S3 objects.
Is the existing bucket using a KMS key? Is the existing S3 bucket encrypted with an existing KMS key?
ARN of the existing KMS key to be used: Provide the existing KMS key Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to be used for KMS encryption. IAM policies will be configured for this KMS key name.
Lambda Copy Function clean bucket: Create a new S3 bucket with the Lambda copy function from the protected bucket to the clean bucket.

Review the stack name and the parameters for the template.
On the Quick create stack screen, scroll to the bottom and select I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation will create IAM resources.
Choose Create stack. The deployment of the CloudFormation stack will take 3–4 minutes.

After the CloudFormation stack has deployed successfully, the solution will be available for use in the same Region where you deployed the CloudFormation stack. The solution deploys a specific Lambda function and EventBridge rule to match the name of the source S3 bucket.
Deploy the AWS CDK template
Alternatively if you prefer to use AWS CDK, download the CDK code from the GitHub repository.
Follow the readme contained within the repository to deploy the solution or individual components depending your requirements.
Extend the solution
In this section, you’ll find options for extending the solution.
Copy alternative status results
The solution can be extended to copy S3 objects with a scan result status that you define. To change the scan result used to invoke the copy function, update the scanresultstatus in the event pattern defined in EventBridge rule created as part of the solution named S3Malware-CopyS3Object-.

“scanResultDetails”: {
“scanResultStatus”: [“”]

Delete source S3 objects
To delete the object from the source after the copy was successful, you will need to update the Lambda function code and the IAM role used by the Lambda function.
The IAM role used by the Lambda function requires a new statement added to the existing role. The JSON formatted statement is provided in the following example.

“Action”: [
“Resource”: [
“Effect”: “Allow”,
“Sid”: “AllowDeleteObjectSourceBucket”

The copy Lambda function requires the following lines to be added at the end of the function code to delete the object:


Scan existing S3 objects
When GuardDuty Malware Protection for S3 is enabled, it scans only new objects put into the bucket. To scan existing objects in a S3 bucket for malware, set up bucket replication to replicate all objects from a source bucket to a destination bucket with Malware Protection enabled.
Automate tagged object deletion
To remove malicious objects from the S3 bucket to help prevent accidental download or access, implement a tag-based lifecycle rule to delete the object after a specific number of days. To achieve this follow the steps in Setting a lifecycle configuration on a bucket to configure a lifecycle rule and make sure the tag key is GuardDutyMalwareScanStatus and value is THREATS_FOUND.

Figure 4: Tag based S3 lifecycle rule

Align the lifecycle policy with your organization’s current S3 object malware investigation procedures. Deleting objects prematurely might hinder security teams’ ability to analyze potentially malicious content. When using bucket versioning instead of permanently deleting the object, Amazon S3 inserts a delete marker that becomes the current version of the object.
AWS Transfer Family integration
If you’re using the AWS Transfer Family service with Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) connector for S3, it’s recommended to scan external uploads for malware before using the received files. This helps ensure the security and integrity of data transferred into your S3 buckets using SFTP.

Figure 5: AWS Transfer Family S3 workflow

To implement malware scanning, configure a file processing workflow configuration to copy the uploaded objects into an S3 bucket that has GuardDuty Malware Protection for S3 enabled.

Figure 6: Transfer Family configuration workflow

Amazon GuardDuty Malware Protection for S3 is now available to assess untrusted objects for malicious files before being ingested by downstream processes within your organization. Customers can automatically scan their S3 objects for malware and take appropriate actions, such as quarantining or remediating infected files. This proactive approach helps mitigate the risks associated with malware infections, data breaches, and potential financial losses. The solution provided offers an additional layer of protection by separating potentially malicious files from clean ones, allowing customers to maintain a separate repository of safe data for continued business operations or further analysis. Visit the 2024 re:Inforce session or the what’s new blog post to understand additional service details.
 If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

Luke NotleyLuke is a Senior Solutions Architect with Amazon Web Services and is based in Western Australia. Luke has a passion for helping customers connect business outcomes with technology and assisting customers throughout their cloud journey, helping them design scalable, flexible, and resilient architectures. In his spare time, he enjoys traveling, coaching basketball teams, and DJing.

Arran PetersonArran, a Solutions Architect based in Adelaide, South Australia, collaborates closely with customers to deeply understand their distinct business needs and goals. His role extends to assisting customers in recognizing both the opportunities and risks linked to their decisions related to cloud solutions.”]