Amazon Web Services Renews K-ISMS Certification, Leading in Cloud Security

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is pleased to announce that it has successfully renewed its certification under the Korea Information Security Management System (K-ISMS) standard. This certification is effective from December 16, 2023, to December 15, 2026. The assessment for the certification covered the operation of infrastructure, including compute, storage, networking, databases, and security, in the AWS Asia Pacific (Seoul) Region.

Back in 2017, AWS became the first global cloud service provider to obtain the K-ISMS certification, and it has held this certification longer than any other global provider. This year’s audit included 144 services running in the Asia Pacific (Seoul) Region. The K-ISMS standard is sponsored by the Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA) and affiliated with the Korean Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT). It serves as a benchmark for evaluating whether enterprises and organizations operate and manage their information security management systems consistently and securely to protect their information assets.

This certification is particularly valuable to enterprises and organizations in South Korea as it helps them meet KISA compliance requirements more efficiently, regardless of their industry. By achieving the K-ISMS certification, AWS demonstrates its commitment to cloud security adoption and adherence to compliance requirements set by the South Korean government. This allows AWS to deliver secure services to its customers.

To assist customers in their own K-ISMS compliance, AWS provides the Operational Best Practices (conformance pack) page, which offers a compliance framework that customers can utilize. Enterprises and organizations can take advantage of this toolkit and AWS certification to streamline the process and reduce the effort and cost of obtaining their own K-ISMS certification.

Customers can download the AWS K-ISMS certification through AWS Artifact. For more information about the certification, please visit the AWS K-ISMS page. If you have any questions, you can contact your AWS account manager. Additionally, if you have any feedback on this announcement, feel free to submit comments in the Comments section below.

The AWS team responsible for security audits, certifications, and compliance programs across the Asia Pacific region includes Joseph Goh, the APJ ASEAN Lead based in Singapore, and Hwee Hwang, an Audit Specialist based in Seoul, South Korea. Both individuals are dedicated to building trust with customers and providing assurance on cloud security. Joseph brings his passion for delivering programs that foster customer confidence, while Hwee’s background in security governance, risk, and compliance consulting bolsters his focus on building trust and providing assurance in the cloud.