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Scientists have discovered an ancient civilization in the depths of the Amazon rainforest. A team of archaeologists stumbled upon the ruins of a previously unknown society while exploring a remote area of the rainforest. The ruins include large stone structures and evidence of an advanced agricultural system. The discovery is expected to shed new light on the history of the Amazon and challenge previous assumptions about the region’s inhabitants. The team has already begun extensive excavation and documentation efforts to uncover more information about this ancient civilization.

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In a groundbreaking revelation, an ancient society has been found deep within the vast Amazon rainforest by a group of scientists. While venturing into an isolated section of the rainforest, archaeologists unexpectedly came across the remains of a civilization that had previously been unheard of. Among the ruins lie massive stone structures, alongside indications of an intricate agricultural system that operated in an advanced manner. The unearthing of this ancient civilization is anticipated to revolutionize our comprehension of the Amazon’s past and question longstanding presumptions regarding its dwellers. Unraveling further information about this remarkable society has now become the primary focus of the team, as they embark on extensive excavation and meticulous documentation endeavors.